Saturday, March 13, 2010

New York City on bike

Bicycles is one of the best ways to explore new cities and places. It is pretty comfortable and yet relatively fast. Nowadays NYC is considered to be bicycle friendly city and each year more and more people prefer bicycle to explore this amazing city. Central Park, Hudson River bicycle path, Battery Park, Brooklyn Bridge cannot be walked, but on bike one can explore them in one day. Just choose sunny day and make sure you bring your camera with you! For those who prefer guided tours we encourage to take on of NYC bike tours. Joining international groups is a lot of fun! Central Park bike tours , Brooklyn Bridge tours are probably the most famous. For those who prefer make their own plan you can choose of NYC bike rentals companies. Weekends are probably the best time to ride NYC. There is not so much traffic and if the weather is good it will be really unforgettable experi ence. If you looking for some thing new try Central Park Pedicab Tours . It's remarkable way to explore Central Park. Whatever way you choose don't miss New York City, it is truly phenomenal place which is worth visiting!

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